Dr. Honglin Chen is Professor and Deputy Chair of the Department of Social Work and Assistant Dean of the School of Social Development and Public Policy at Fudan University in Shanghai, China. She received her PhD and MSW from the University of Hong Kong and her BA from North East University of Finance and Economics. Her research focuses on aging, eldercare, social capital, and social work practice in China.
Professor Chen’s research is situated at the intersection of social work, sociology, and social policies. Her expertise addresses three key domains:
1) Theory and Practice of Aging and Family: With the rapid globalization of aging, aging issues have become central to the social work profession. The theory and practice of care and social service in the context of aging populations pose many challenges for both families and professionals. Professor Chen’s theoretical contributions in this domain address the nature of active aging, elders volunteering, social participation, social capital and social service of older adults, both in Chinese society and Chinese communities abroad.
2) Professional Practice Knowledge (Program Evaluation & Effectiveness Research): Social work is a research-grounded profession with the potential of tackling social problems more efficiently. With the increasing professionalization of the social work discipline, many local NGOs and institutions have been funded by different governmental organizations and local governmental subordinates. Program evaluation thus plays an important role in assessing the outcome of social work service programs and the development of evidence-based practice. Professor Chen’s research in this domain involves program evaluation of social work initiative involving families and older people in the community.
3) Comparative Research on Ageing and Dementia: Comparative research helps build mutual understanding in relevant fields and also provides reference points for both theory and practice. Professor Chen’s work in this domain focuses on comparative research among older people with dementia, cognitive impairment, disability, migration, aging, social capital and the use of services and support networks.
➤ Selected Publications
Li, Yunjun and Honglin Chen. “Gender convergence or divergence in the relationship between late-life depression and multiple stressors: Evidence from a national survey in China.” Journal of Women & Aging (2021). https://doi.org/10.1080/08952841.2021.1894081
Yang Hui, Aaron Hagedorn, He Zhu, Honglin Chen. “Mental health and well-being in older women in China: Implications from the Andersen model.” BMC Geriatrics 20, Article No. 254 (2020). DOI: 10.1186/s12877-020-01639-z
Chen, Yanyan, Honglin Chen, Priscilla Song. “Promises and Pitfalls of Integrating Home-Based Health Services into Shanghai’s Eldercare System.” Journal of Ageing and Society 40(3): 480-500 (2020). http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0144686X18001095
Chen, Honglin, Peng, Xu, Yin (2020) The effect of gender role attitudes on the self-efficacy of the older adults: Based on data from The Third Wave Survey of Chinese Women’s Social Status, Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development (2020). https://doi.org/10.1080/02185385.2020.1744478
Chen, Honglin, Iris Chi, Ruotong Liu. “Hospital Utilization among Chinese Older Adults: Patterns and Predictors.” Journal of Aging and Health 31(8): 1454-1478 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1177/0898264318780546
Chen, Honglin, Hui Yang, Priscilla Song, Lu Wang. “An Ambiguous Sense of Professional Identity: Community-based Caregivers for Older Adults in China.” Ageing International 42(2): 236-250 (2017). http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12126-016-9266-2
Chen Honglin. Ageing in Shanghai: A Social Capital Perspective. Lambert Academic Publishing (2011).
陈虹霖 Chen Honglin.《追溯老龄佳境》 The Pursuit of Optimal Aging. 社会科学文献出版社专著 Social Science Literature Press (2015).
➤ Contact Information
Department of Social Work
School of Social Development and Public Policy
Fudan University, Shanghai, China